A Starter on the Loose - Chase Scene

A baker's apprentice chases down a runaway sourdough starter through the streets of Paris.

Flip through the whole sequence here, or watch me pitch it below

Yokai (2024) - Suspense

Kayda has to convince his giant Shiba Inu to cross a crumbling bridge. Visualized from Matt Jones' feature script "YOKAI".

Hi there, I'm Wren!I'm a fourth-year animation student at the National Film School and a story artist based in Dublin. I'm currently available for work!Originally from sunny Sofia, Bulgaria, I love climbing up mountains, listening to old jazz records, and trying my darndest to learn to play the mandolin.I also write a story study blog that you can find here!

You can contact me at at [email protected]
Thank you!



Panels from a reverse storyboard exercise of "Jurassic Park" (1993)

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